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Understanding Dreams & the Dream State | Mind Motivations


IF YOU HAVE SEEN the recent Hollywood blockbuster Inception, a movie that does to dreaming what The Matrix did for virtual reality, you may have been holding your breath as Ariadne, an architecture student, folded the streets of Paris over herself like a blanket. This stunning sequence, an homage to M. C. Escher, is testimony to the bizarre nature of dreams. Watching it made the neuroscientist in me reflect on what dreams are and how they relate to the brain.

The first question is easy to answer. Dreams are vivid, sensorimotor hallucinations with a narrative structure. We experience them consciously—seeing, hearing and touching within environments that appear completely real (though curiously, we do not smell in our dreams). Nor are we mere passive observers: we speak, fight, love and run.

Dream consciousness is not the same as wakeful consciousness. We are for the most part unable to introspect—to wonder about our uncanny ability to fly or to meet somebody long dead. Only rarely do we control our dreams; rather things happen, and we go along for the ride.


Everyone dreams, including dogs, cats and other mammals. But sleep lab data reveal that people consistently underreport how often and how much. The reason is that dreams are ephemeral. Memory for dreams is very limited and largely restricted to the period before awakening. The only way to remember a dream is to immediately recall it on waking and then write it down or describe it to another person. Only then does its content become encoded in memory.

Although we often have trouble remembering dreams, our dreaming selves have full access to our pasts. In dreams we recall earlier episodes from our lives, and we often experience intense feelings of sadness, fear, anxiety or joy. Perhaps it was this heightened emotionality that led Sigmund Freud to speculate that dreams serve as wish fulfillment. Regardless, the answer to my second question—how and why does the brain manufacture dreams?—remains a fundamental mystery. But psychologists and brain scientists have recently renewed their interest in this everyday surreal activity.


Perchance to Dream
In 1953 Nathaniel Kleitman of the University of Chicago and his graduate student Eugene Aserinsky discovered that slumber, which had been considered a single continuous period of downtime, contains recurring periods in which the sleeper’s eyes move about, heartbeat and breathing become irregular, most voluntary muscles are paralyzed and brain activity (as measured by electroencephalography) is heightened. These fast, low-voltage brain waves resemble the ones that occur during wakefulness. This state became known as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, to distinguish it from deep sleep.

When people are woken from REM sleep, they usually report vivid dreams. Such reports do not occur when people are roused from non-REM sleep. Thus arose the close association between REM sleep and the oneiric state. For many years experts associated dream consciousness with the distinct physiology of the brain during REM sleep.

But in the past several decades that understanding has begun to slowly shift. When people who are woken from deep sleep are asked “What was passing through your mind just before you woke up?” rather than the more biased “Have you been dreaming?” a more nuanced picture emerges.


In the early phases of deep sleep, and during short daytime naps, which consist of pure non-REM sleep, people report vivid hallucinations that are shorter, more static and more thoughtlike than the dreams that occur during REM sleep. These visions are typically more like snapshots than narratives and do not include a self. Yet a minority of non-REM dream reports are indistinguishable from REM dreams. It is also notable that sleepwalking and nightmares occur in deep, not REM, sleep. Thus, scientists have had to revise the belief that the REM state is an external manifestation of the subjective dream state.

Further evidence comes from the study of brain-damaged patients by neuropsychoanalyst Mark Solms of the University of Cape Town in South Africa. When a part of the brain stem known as the pons is destroyed, people no longer experience REM sleep. But only one in 26 of such patients reports a loss of dreaming, and nobody has ever reported loss of dreaming from limited pons damage.

The regions critical for dreaming are not in the pons. They include the visual and audiovisual regions in and near the temporoparietal-occipital junction in the neocortex. Destruction of small portions of these areas leads to the loss of specific dreaming dimensions. For example, a stroke, tumor or other calamity in the cortical region necessary for color or motion perception will leach hue or movement from dreams.



Moreover, medications that manipulate dopamine levels strongly affect dreaming while leaving the REM sleep cycle unaffected. L-dopa, the most popular medication for Parkinson’s disease, increases the frequency and vividness of dreams, whereas antipsychotic drugs that block dopamine reduce dreaming.

The dissociation of dreaming from REM sleep serves as a conceptual clearing of the deck for neuroscientists such as myself. Now we can focus on the neuronal causes of conscious mental activity, whether in a dreaming or wakeful state, without being confused by extraneous factors such as REM or non-REM sleep that, it turns out, do not pertain to subjective experience per se.


The Mind-Body Problem
Why am I so confident I experience anything while dreaming? Maybe I am unconscious while slumbering and confabulate my dreams when I awaken.

This is unlikely for many reasons. The bizarreness and vividness of dreams are distinct from normal experience and therefore unlikely to be “retrofitted.” Indeed, people with memory deficits do not report fewer dreams. Additionally, the length of dream reports correlates well with time elapsed in REM dreams.

More evidence comes from people with REM sleep behavior disorder, who lack the muscle paralysis, known as atonia, typical of REM sleep. They act out their dreams, sometimes even harming themselves or bed partners, and their actions match their dream reports. They might, for instance, move their legs while asleep and later report that they dreamed of walking.

Dreams are of great interest to the student of the mind-body problem, because they bear witness that the brain alone is sufficient to generate consciousness. We dream with eyes shut in the dark, disconnected from the outside world. The brain regions responsible for basic sensory perception are deactivated. Nor is behavior necessary, as we are motionless except for our breathing and eye movements. Thus, dreaming supports the old philosophical brain-in-the-vat idea that saw its modern renaissance in The Matrix.

Cognitive neuroscientists have recently learned to decode some simple mental states—in essence, a primitive form of mind reading. When scientists ask people to view one of two images—a portrait or a photograph of a house—or to imagine either a face or a house, they can tell from brain analyses which of the two the person is seeing or imagining.


Once such techniques become more sophisticated, they could be put to use in dream work, so that in addition to studying the physiology of the dreaming brain, investigators will be able to read out the content of the dream itself. Then neuroscience will be in a much better position to answer the age-old questions that have fascinated everyone from oracles and shamans to Freud and, more recently, science-fiction enthusiasts: Why do we dream, and what do dreams mean?

This article was originally published with the title "Consciousness Redux: Dream States" in SA Mind 21, 5, 16-17 (November 2010)



(Further Reading)


  • Dreaming and the Brain: Toward a Cognitive Neuroscience of Conscious States. J. Allan Hobson, Edward F. Pace-Schott and Robert Stickgold in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 23, pages 793–842; 2000.

  • Dreaming and REM Sleep Are Controlled by Different Brain Mechanisms. Mark Solms in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Vol. 23, pages 843–850; 2000.

  • Dreaming and the Brain: From Phenomenology to Neurophysiology. Yuval Nir and Giulio Tononi in Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Vol. 14, pages 88–100; 2010.


What happends when your sleeping

Demons, Falling from High, Dream Within a Dream: 5 Things That Happen When You're Sleeping


Here are the weirdest things that you may experience when you're sleeping, and their scientific explanations.

 You'd understand what I'm talking about when I say that it's the most relaxing time of the day. There's no better feeling than putting your head on your fluffy pillow, resting your eyes a little bit, checking your phone, watching something on Netflix, and relieving your tiredness. Sleep indeed is one of the most beautiful parts of living, and eating would be the runner-up.


However, even sleeping can be trouble for humans. Sometimes you don't want to go to sleep because you have the same nightmare every night, you have the boogeyman under your bed, or you have sleep apnea that sleeping makes you even more tired than working for hours.

But these aren't the only concerns we have about sleeping. There are more interesting things than having the same nightmare, more real things than the boogeyman and, well, more mysterious things than sleep apnea.

Here are the basic scientific explanations for the things we experience during sleep.

1. Sleep Paralysis

Have you ever had a moment where you can't move, speak or scream while you're falling asleep or waking up? Sometimes when you're experiencing this, you might see a shadow in the corner of your room, you feel someone's breath on your ear or someone's hands on your throat. If so, for sure you got scared, especially when it happened for the first time, but there's nothing to be scared of.

It actually has a simple, very simple explanation. If the sleep paralysis happens when you're waking up, it's called hypnopompic or postdormital sleep paralysis and if it happens when you're falling asleep, it's called hypnagogic or predormital sleep paralysis.

When you're falling asleep, your body slowly relaxes, you become less aware, and your body becomes less responsive to your brain signals. However, if you become aware or remain awake while you're falling asleep and while your body starts to relax, you'd realize that you can't speak or move.


It's different when you're waking up. Sleep has two stages; NREM sleep and REM sleep. NREM also has three different stages; the first stage is the transition from being awake to falling asleep. Heartbeats and breathing begin to slow. This stage lasts usually for 5-10 minutes and it constitutes 5% of sleep time.

The second stage lasts usually for 10 to 25 minutes, and it's considered a period of light sleep. Heart rate slows, muscles relax, eye movements stop. It constitutes 55% of total sleep time.

The third stage of the NREM sleep, "slow-wave," "delta," or "deep" sleep is the stage of sleep that lasts for 20 to 40 minutes and needed for an individual to feel refreshed in the morning. Heart rate and breathing become the lowest level, blood pressure falls and body temperature drops. It's the most difficult stage of sleep to wake up and represents 15% of total sleep time. 



After about 90 minutes into sleeping, a person enters REM sleep. This is the stage where a person's eyes move from side to side beneath closed eyelids. At this stage, most of the dreaming occurs. While heartbeats increase and blood pressure rise, arms and legs become unable to move, due to the reason of not acting out the dreams we have. Adults spend 20-25% of their total sleep time in REM sleep.

If you regain your consciousness and start to wake up before your REM sleep cycle finishes, you'll be unable to move or speak since your muscles are turned off to avoid acting out your dreams. 

As you can see, it's not something that you should be scared of, just stay calm when it happens, and it'll go away in seconds.

2. Hypnic Jerk

Sometimes when you're sleeping like an angel or like a gorgoneion, you wake up abruptly feeling like you're falling down. At the same time, you see yourself falling from a cliff, from the 17th floor or anywhere and you wake up jumping.

Hypnic jerks, also known as sleep starts, mostly happens when you're falling asleep and it's caused by a form of involuntary muscle twitch called myoclonus, hiccups are also a form of myoclonus.

There's no exact cause for hypnic jerks, but its possible causes include anxiety, caffeine, nicotine, stress, and sleep deprivation.

3. Sleepwalking

This is one of the scariest things that can happen when you're sleeping, except for the ghost of the old lady that used to live in your apartment and died horribly. Hehe, just kidding.

Sleepwalking basically is a behavior disorder occurs during sleep and performing walking or other behaviors while sleeping. Behaviors of people who sleepwalk may include, sitting up in their beds, walking around the house, leaving the house, driving, and sometimes even eating.



Sleepwalking usually occurs in the first hours of sleep. There's not an exact cause of sleepwalking but it's mostly seen in people with a sleepwalking behavior in the family history. Sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, and certain types of medication can also cause sleepwalking.

4. Lucid Dreaming

During a lucid dream, the person is aware that s/he is dreaming. The dreamer may gain control of his or her dream, and lead the characters, environment, and the narrative in the way s/he wants.

Lucid dreaming has been studied from ancient times until today, and people have been fascinated by it. Lucid dreaming usually happens during REM sleep. Around 55% of people experience a lucid dream once or more in their lifetime while some other people train themselves to dream lucidly.

So, let's say a killer is chasing you in a dream and you're running away from him, and then you say to yourself "Wait for a second, why am I running from a killer in the middle of the night in an abandoned hospital? I didn't even come here, so, this is a dream. Let me just fly away from this jerk." This is exactly what happens when you're lucid dreaming.

5. False Awakening

Say, you're having a dream, a scary one. And you finally wake up, the monsters are gone. So you take a deep breath, go to the bathroom, wash your face, and what the ACTUAL HELL?! The monster is right behind you? What? Was it all real? Oh dear God, run! And everything starts from the beginning. Ah man, you have to run from the monster again. 

And then you wake up, this time for real. Or maybe not? Keep on trying until you wake up to real life. 

A false awakening is actually a thing that can happen to anyone. Sometimes it can be a dream within a dream, or maybe a dream within a dream within a dream, like a Russian nested doll. It can be caused by sleep apnea, insomnia, anxiety, mixed brain states or other causes. 




How to Fall Asleep in 10, 60, or 120 Seconds

Spending more time trying to fall asleep rather than actually sleeping? You’re not alone.

Just the act of trying too hard can cause (or continue) a cycle of anxious, nerve-wracking energy that keeps our minds awake.

And if your mind can’t sleep, it’s really difficult for your body to follow. But there are scientific tricks you can try to flip the switch and guide your body into a safe shutdown mode.

We cover some science-based tricks to help you fall asleep faster.

How to sleep in 10 seconds

 How to sleep in 10 seconds

It usually takes a magic spell to fall asleep this quickly and on cue, but just like spells, with practice you can eventually get to the sweet 10-second spot.

Note: The method below takes a full 120 seconds to finish, but the last 10 seconds is said to be truly all it takes to finally snooze.

The military method

The popular military method, which was first reported by Sharon Ackerman, comes from a book titled “Relax and Win: Championship Performance.”

According to Ackerman, the United States Navy Pre-Flight School created a routine to help pilots fall asleep in 2 minutes or less. It took pilots about 6 weeks of practice, but it worked — even after drinking coffee and with gunfire noises in the background.

This practice is said to even work for people who need to sleep sitting up!


The military method


  1. Relax your entire face, including the muscles inside your mouth.

  2. Drop your shoulders to release the tension and let your hands drop to the side of your body.

  3. Exhale, relaxing your chest.

  4. Relax your legs, thighs, and calves.

  5. Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene.

  6. If this doesn’t work, try saying the words “don’t think” over and over for 10 seconds.

  7. Within 10 seconds, you should fall asleep!



If this doesn’t work for you, you may need to work on the foundations of the military method: breathing and muscle relaxation, which have some scientific evidence that they work. Also, some conditions such as ADHD or anxiety may interfere with this method’s effectiveness.

Keep reading to learn about the techniques this military method is based on and how to practice them effectively.

How to sleep in 60 seconds


How to Fall Asleep in 10, 60, or 120 Seconds





The fastest way to sleep?

Spending more time trying to fall asleep rather than actually sleeping? You’re not alone.

Just the act of trying too hard can cause (or continue) a cycle of anxious, nerve-wracking energy that keeps our minds awake.

And if your mind can’t sleep, it’s really difficult for your body to follow. But there are scientific tricks you can try to flip the switch and guide your body into a safe shutdown mode.

We cover some science-based tricks to help you fall asleep faster.

How to sleep in 10 seconds

It usually takes a magic spell to fall asleep this quickly and on cue, but just like spells, with practice you can eventually get to the sweet 10-second spot.

Note: The method below takes a full 120 seconds to finish, but the last 10 seconds is said to be truly all it takes to finally snooze.

The military method

The popular military method, which was first reported by Sharon Ackerman, comes from a book titled “Relax and Win: Championship Performance.”

According to Ackerman, the United States Navy Pre-Flight School created a routine to help pilots fall asleep in 2 minutes or less. It took pilots about 6 weeks of practice, but it worked — even after drinking coffee and with gunfire noises in the background.

This practice is said to even work for people who need to sleep sitting up!

The military method


  1. Relax your entire face, including the muscles inside your mouth.

  2. Drop your shoulders to release the tension and let your hands drop to the side of your body.

  3. Exhale, relaxing your chest.

  4. Relax your legs, thighs, and calves.

  5. Clear your mind for 10 seconds by imagining a relaxing scene.

  6. If this doesn’t work, try saying the words “don’t think” over and over for 10 seconds.

  7. Within 10 seconds, you should fall asleep!


If this doesn’t work for you, you may need to work on the foundations of the military method: breathing and muscle relaxation, which have some scientific evidence that they work. Also, some conditions such as ADHD or anxiety may interfere with this method’s effectiveness.

Keep reading to learn about the techniques this military method is based on and how to practice them effectively.




How to sleep in 60 seconds

These two methods, which focus on your breathe or muscles, help you take your mind off topic and back to bed.

If you’re a beginner trying these hacks out, these methods may take up to 2 minutes to work.


4-7-8 breathing method


Mixing together the powers of meditation and visualization, this breathing method becomes more effective with practice. If you have a respiratory condition, such as asthma or COPD, consider checking with your doctor before beginning, as this could aggravate your symptoms.

To prepare, place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, behind your two front teeth. Keep your tongue there the whole time and purse your lips if you need to.


How to do one cycle of 4-7-8 breathing:


  1. Let your lips part slightly and make a whooshing sound as you exhale through your mouth.

  2. Then close your lips and inhale silently through your nose. Count to 4 in your head.

  3. Then hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  4. After, exhale (with a whoosh sound) for 8 seconds.

  5. Avoid being too alert at the end of each cycle. Try to practice it mindlessly.

  6. Complete this cycle for four full breaths. Let your body sleep if you feel relaxation coming on earlier than anticipated.


Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)


Progressive muscle relaxation, also known as deep muscle relaxation, helps you unwind.

The premise is to tense — but not strain — your muscles and relax to release the tension. This movement promotes tranquility throughout your body. It’s a trick recommended to help with insomnia.

Before you start, try practicing the 4-7-8 method while imagining the tension leaving your body as you exhale.


Relaxation script


  1. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible for 5 seconds. This will tighten your forehead muscles.

  2. Relax your muscles immediately and feel the tension drop. Wait 10 seconds.

  3. Smile widely to create tension in your cheeks. Hold for 5 seconds. Relax.

  4. Pause 10 seconds.

  5. Squint with your eyes shut. Hold 5 seconds. Relax.

  6. Pause 10 seconds.

  7. Tilt your head slightly back so you’re comfortably looking at the ceiling. Hold 5 seconds. Relax as your neck sinks back into the pillow.

  8. Pause 10 seconds.

  9. Keep moving down the rest of the body, from your triceps to chest, thighs to feet.

  10. Let yourself fall asleep, even if you don’t finish tensing and relaxing the rest of your body.


How to fall asleep in 120 seconds


If the previous methods still didn’t work, there might be an underlying blockage you need to get out. Try these techniques!


Tell yourself to stay awake


Also called paradoxical intention, telling yourself to stay awake may be a good way to fall asleep faster.

For people — especially those with insomnia — trying to sleep can increase performance anxiety.

Research has found that people who practiced paradoxical intention fell asleep faster than those who didn’t. If you often find yourself stressed out about trying to sleep, this method may be more effective than traditional, intentional breathing practices.


Visualize a calm place


If counting activates your mind too much, try engaging your imagination.

Some say that visualizing something can make it real, and it’s possible this works with sleep, too.

In a 2002 study from the University of Oxford, researchers found that people who engaged in “imagery distraction” fell asleep faster than those who had general distraction or no instructions.


Image distraction


  1. Instead of counting sheep, try to imagine a serene setting and all the feelings that go with it. For example, you can imagine a waterfall, the sounds of echoing, rushing water, and the scent of damp moss. The key is to let this image take up space in your brain to prevent yourself from “re-engaging with thoughts, worries, and concerns” pre-sleep.




Personal Dream of mine

  I was outside under a parking lot awning next to a large building at night with 20 to 30 people. The sky's where dark and cloudy. It wasn't cold. All of a sudden I heard what sounded like a whining grinding gear sound above us. I stepped out from under the awning and looked up at the sky. I saw 4 black helicopters flying around two large white orbs going in and out of the clouds. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. All of a sudden I seen smaller crafts flying everywhere like bats all over the sky. The big light of the craft broke from the clouds coming down towards us. I backed up back under the awning with the rest of the people. And without lighting up the buildings near by or the street in front of us, the craft showed up 10 feet from the ground 20 feet in front of us. Nobody was talking or making any sound, just staring at this huge ship that looked like some star wars fighting jet. All of a sudden it started floating upwards to a point where we couldn't see it because of the roof we where under. Everyone was just staring out at the street. The gear whining sound was so loud it took over all sounds around us. All of a sudden a skinny whitish/blueish beam hit the street in front of us making an electrical snapping sound as it hit the concrete slowly moving towards us. I felt a strong pulling feeling on my body like gravity pulling my towards the beam. I turned around a grabbed a pipe the was holding up the roof above us when I noticed almost every body that was with me under that awning was on their backs and stomachs sliding towards the white crackling beam. When they slid out from under the roof they all started floating up in the air towards the craft. Everyone that was with me where now gone as I held on to that poll for my life. I heard the whining  gear sound slow down and the gravity feeling was now less but still slightly pulling on my body.  I let go of the poll and dropped  to my knees and with everything i got, i crawled away from the beam. I saw a doorway 10 feet away. I slowly crawled to it. There was large bolders in this room. It took every ounce of energy i had to pull myself over these bolders with gravity pulling me backwards to hide in the back of this room. I stopped and looked behind me and saw a short being standing there in a sparkling suit that seemed to be changing colors everytime he moved. He had some type of hood on with white shoulder length hair poking out. He had some sort of handheld device he was tapping on. I was so scared I couldn't talk well, and I mumbled..." i just want to learn more about you " and he/it responded to me without words..." then why don't you come with us " his face was not smiling but a  picture in my head of him WAS !

I felt like my body compressed into nothing and i woke up with my heart pounding. I kept thinking of this over and over so i could remember this and write it down as the scariest dream I've ever had. 

Laurene Hofer 's Personal Scary Dream Share

 My first encounter was when I was about 4 years old. I would wake up out of a sound sleep and see small pale people leaving my room through the closet. I could not move or scream. This went on so much that I would block the closet door only to find it open in the morning. On one occasion I woke up to see long fingers at the closet door come out and open the door, then all went blank and I just woke up the next day with my pajamas on inside out. When I saw my younger sister and she was in the same condition we silently just stared at each other. By this time we were in elementary school and having the same experiences. We were both having the same recurring dreams. One was what we dubbed 'the once a year man'.  This dream was about a dark green van with a yellow light on top of the cab. It would always park in front of my neighbors house and a tall lanky person wearing a white lab coat would exit and go to the back of the van, open the door and the dream ends. One evening me and my sister found ourselves kneeling at the front window of our bedroom, don't want to get caught peeking, and watched the dream play out right before our eyes.  Too afraid to see how it ended scurried back to bed. That dream never came back.  The second recurring dream is being in a large open field with many other people. Nobody is talking, just waiting for the fleet to arrive.  They do at a high altitude and encompasses the entire sky. It was beautiful and surreal at the same time.  My sister and I had come to the conclusion that everyone has this happen and is normal. We, of course, were wrong. After being abducted for so long I didn't think I could fly, I knew I could.  My friends would come over and I told them how to. All you have to do is sit on a flat solid surface Indian style and generate enough propulsion.  To me that meant spinning as fast as you could. We would try and failure was the outcome. Needless to say my friends weren't allowed to play with me anymore. By the time I was in 4th grade things escalated. It was a birthday tradition for your gift to be on the dining room table for you to open in the morning. Being a typical kid I couldn't wait that long and in the wee hours of the morning went downstairs to see it.  All the lights were out, yet the room had a gray haze that softly lit up only that room. Instead of checking out the gift I went to the back window.  The haze was all over the backyard. By the edge of the woods I saw a short person with a prod poking into the dirt. Wearing overalls and a cartoon train engineer hat, I felt I better go because I felt like I was being watched.  Before I could even turn around he was at the window and I looked straight into the eyes of an alien.

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