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Near Death Experiences 

I've met some really nice people that have had Near Death Experiences that would like to share them with others here. I've put their stories here so others might find some commonalities , and feel more comfortable in sharing their own experiences as well.


 I was in ICU and they injected me with something I’m allergic to and I felt myself fading away and then as if someone switched a light on all the noise and pain disappeared, I was flying inside what appeared to be a giant spaceship, up against the ceiling, it was very high up maybe 3 stories, I could see windows all around with the black of space outside and underneath to the left looked like a reception desk with hundreds of chairs in front everything was so futuristic looking, I focused on a sign on the right hand side of the room that was changing pictures, it was photos of grey aliens in military clothing but they didn’t look evil, it was like you see sandia draws, they looked like entities of great distinction and honour, very great and proud, i felt as if I knew them like they were family, underneath it was a table with what looked like literature (pamphlets) the same as on the long reception desk, there were pillars and beautiful architecture that looked of human construction only way more futuristic looking, i was so excited as to the things i’d discover in the afterlife I’d never felt so free and exhilarated, just as I decided to fly down for a closer look I was sucked back through space watching the ship get smaller and smaller until I had returned to the hospital and was floating above my body watching the doctors trying frantically to revive me and then I turned around towards the ceiling and gently lowered back down inside my body and then like the flick of a switch all the pain and noise came back and I opened my eyes, I instantly felt sorrow as I wanted to stay and explore the afterlife.


Robert Boyce @ET__GOD   Twitter

  Coming up on my thirty year anniversary of my most near death experience. I have had several, but one that stands out the most and I believe started a series of events that continue to this day. The accident is less important... Motorcycle (dirt bike) accident which wasn't witnessed by anyone. I was found by a friend unconscious. Back of my helmet was crushed from the bike landing on my head. I was able to get up and ride out of the mountains but had no idea how to kick start it, load it into the truck, and most anything else. I was definitely not there. Where I was I'm not so sure. I definitely had an out of body experience. I remember very little, in fact lost most of my memory consisting of about a week I would guess. What I do remember is bizzare.


I watched myself riding my motorcycle standing on a hillside standing next to two Native American looking men. No words were spoken. They didn't look at me as I looked at them... They just watched ... Me... Ride my motorcycle. I also have flashes of memory of a fire burning in a 55 gallon barrel. Seeing the fire through rusted holes in the side. I was apparently up, walking and talking most of that day. I had many conversations with people according to them days later. My friend felt I wasn't me after he found me. He didn't notice the helmet. He took me to my father's business and that's when my dad asked to see it and they realized I was suffering some sort of head injury. I have no recollection of any of this. Late that day, all I can say is that I returned. I have no idea where I was... But it was absolutely crazy. I entered back into my body while I was mid conversation with my mother.


It was as though someone else was in control of my body, talking to her. I have no clue what I was saying. It was exactly like waking up from a realistic dream, except it was real. Everything quickly went from blurry to clear. I remember hearing myself talking and was confused. I stopped. Looked around and realized I was laying in a bath tub with a towel over me. Every one in the room stopped making noise. It was as if they could tell I just returned. They all were just staring at me. I had friends and family all standing over me. I asked what happened and my mother broke down. This is where things get weird believe it or not. I don't talk about this to people do to my line of work. Something changed that day for me. I began having experiences. It started with something that followed me in my car. I was with a friend and they witnessed it also.


It was a light, paralleling me down a small highway in Montana. It was about 500 yards away flying through the trees and right over a hill that ran along the road. It was going the same speed as my vehicle for several miles, gracefully fly in and out of the trees. We were both just staring at it as I drove. I slowed down to turn and this thing rocketed so fast up and away that we both absolutely freaked out. It stopped probably 5-10 miles away and about 20k feet up. Just sat there for about 2-3 minutes while we got out and watched it. It then flew directly down and over us. We ran into my friends garage and hid but came out to see it fly directly over his house and make no sound. It was triangular with lights on each corner. It seemed to pick up speed and flew out of sight within a minute or two.


This was long before cell phones so we had nothing with us to take pictures. When I left I was still freaked out and as I drove away the doors of my truck opened up and the dome light flashed on. It scared the absolute crap out of me. I looked over expecting something to come charging in but nothing did. I slammed everything shut and beat feet home. Not long later, maybe a year, the next thing happened. I was again in MT and was in the boonies riding around on four-wheelers with a different friend. It was very late, probably midnight. We were playing hid n seek on the four wheelers about 3 miles from my parents cabin. There was only one neighbor for miles. It is extremely remote. Near the town the Unabomber hid for many years to give you an idea. We were stopped, engines off, just taking a break and talking. There was some moonlight but still quite dark. As I was talking, something, probably 50 feet in front of me, stood up. But it wasn't like a person stands up. It was as if it was bent in half, and the top half unfolded and turned to look right at me. It did not have a human head. I remember telling my father it appeared to have the head of a dog.


I screamed at my friend to GO! We both fired up our four wheelers and took off down the road near us and drove as fast as we could. I realized when I got to the turn off to my parents cabin that my friend was not behind me. It was pitch black. It took everything in me to stop and turn off my engine. I did and immediately heard screaming sounds from my friend to come back. I hesitated but turned around and rode back to find him running away from his for wheeler. This was almost brand new but he explained that it lost all power and died, rolling to a stop. He jumped into mine and we took off as fast as we could. We came back later with a small arsenal and my father. The dead four wheeler fired up on the first try and we went home. I had several other small oddities happen over the years after that but nothing mind blowing. However I had a second near death experience a few years later. This time was a terrible snowmobile accident while coming down a near vertical mountain. I remember looking at the speedometer and it said 90mph. In an instant I spotted a small rock sticking out of the snow. Just happened to be attached to a very large boulder. I remember seeing the right ski gear off of the snowmobile and fly by me.


The front of my snowmobile jerked violently and then dove into the snow. I remember being thrown down the hill and not being in control of my body. The guys at the bottom of the hill said they counted me and my snowmobile flip down the hill 35 times. It went by quite quickly. When I came to rest I was still on a very steep section of the mountain. About 3-4000 feet above everyone. The first thought I had was the snowmobile was going to hit me from behind and kill me. I tried to get up and run but realized I couldn't move. I was paralysed on the entire right side of my body. All I could do was lift my head and move my left side enough to push myself up and look up hill. 



There was a massive debris field above me and only small parts of streaming snowmobile. I looked down hill to see again only small parts of snowmobile. It had pretty much disintegrated with the exception of the track and bellypan holding the engine a ways down. Everyone below began running to their snowmobiles and attempted to get to me but it was just too steep. It took what seemed like a half hour to hike to me in the deep snow. As I waited I could feel the side of my body begin to burn and slowly I began to regain some feeling. I was able to slide down the mountain with help and they built me a fire. They rode me out and I was down and out for weeks but did recover fully with exceptions of life long back pain. Over the next several years O had multiple story worthy events and close calls such as 2 near plane crashes. One of which my plane had a bird strike and engine fire. Fast forward about 15 years. And this was the cherry on top. This is something I don't talk about at all... Mostly because I can't be sure. I have gone over this in my mind so many times and I just have so much internal conflict... I was dealing with a sore throat. It was longer than usual so I decided to head in to the doctor. She checked me over and said my neck felt a little off. Wanted me to go get an ultrasound.


I didn't think much of it. The results weren't great but nothing too bad. I had a small mass in my neck. I went in and had multiple biopsies. They all came back negative and all was well. I was told to go home and don't look back. A few days later I was up late watching TV downstairs. I was facing the tv with the stairs in the background and the only light on was from the tv. I saw movement coming down the stairs and slightly sat up in the recliner expecting my wife. It wasn't her. It wasn't anything, just a dark, almost shadow, tall, human shaped. It motioned to it's throat. I was in shock. I just sat there, not scared, no fight/flight. And then it was over. I remember sitting there thinking what in the fuck!? I had to have just imagined that. I went to bed and woke up thinking I must have dreamt it. I pushed it off, made my mind up it didn't happen. That next night I was once again on the recliner watching tv. The exact same thing happened again. I was once again in complete shock. It was like a rerun. I felt like I was losing my mind but I had a flash back of being a child. Again this easily could be explained as a dream but I have a vivid memory of waking up to a bright blue light coming from down the hallway. My parents room was upstairs in the house I grew up in. Down the hall from my room was the living room.


I feel as though my mind told me this was probably the tv being left on. I clearly remember waking up and walking down the hallway to find a lady glowing blue. Her hair, face, dress, everything was glowing blue. She was floating and she had on a dress that flowed like she was in water. She smiled and that's it. It was like a memory that just ended. I called my doctor that week and scheduled elective surgery to remove half of my thyroid. They assured me I didn't have to but I insisted. Surgery was rough but I got home and began healing up. I got a phone call two days later letting me know I have somewhat aggressive cancer. That it was on the verge of spreading and if I didn't do something it would have the potential to go up my neck to my brain and likely kill me.


The hardest thing I had to do was tell my wife who lost her mom to cancer and to tell my mom who just beat stage 4 a few years before. I had just recently lost a good friend to cancer also, so it was a challenge but I kept my sense of humor. I kept the experience on the stairs to myself. I have been through additional surgery and radiation and have been cancer free for 5 years. I told my wife about my experience on the stairs and that I needed to know what was happening. That year TTSA released the now famous videos. I chatted with Ryan Bledsoe about the shadows I saw and he felt he was aware of such things and that they could be helpful beings. Of course I didn't go I to the detail I have here... In fact I have never written this down in it's entirety until right now. But I am now thoroughly obsessed with whatever phenomenon I have experienced and I realize there is so much I don't understand. I try not to just accept it's all related... But man, it feels like it is... 


So, that was more detail than I had planned on going into lol, I just felt the need to share. Not looking for anything, especially not looking for attention. But hopefully it was worth a read and would be interested to hear your thoughts



RG @rgit1098    Twitter


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