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BMU's Intro Page : About Me and this site

  This site was started on another platform which became one of the top 10 websites. It peaked out and was not able to add anything else. so i moved to this new platform allowing more options and pages. If you would like to see the original platform, take a look @  and let me know what you think.

 I started out as a painter for my fathers company for many years. I moved on roofing for 3 years. Started framing, building structures, carpeting,tiling,electrical. I ended up starting my own handyman business that was ran for over 12 years. Currently dealing with brain cancer, so my new focus is keeping my website interesting.


When i was a baby, I stuck a bobby pin in a plug socket and was stuck to it screaming. My father came in and pulled me off. He said he got shocked from touching me. I don't remember this, but what i do remember that at a very young age i my mom would give me broken radios and other small devices with electronics in them. I would take everything apart, and pull out the light bulbs,batteries and switches and making my own working things. just with 3 things out of a broken radio, i made a working flashlight.


I got this mentality that when i look at something , i think how it was built, then think how it could be better.

There's so many things to learn about and i don't have the brain storage to learn alot about everything, so i have been learning a little about everything. Kind of like that term " Jack of all trades, master of none. " 


I'm not trying to compete with these other advanced high tech websites that are almost impossible to understand. 

all i want to see is more people finding interests in different topics they may have not been interested in before.

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